Sunday, February 26, 2006

Clear Body Clear Mind.

The Scientologists left some literature on my doorstep while I was at church today.

While I was in Afghanistan (Go Army) I had the chance to study and learn about a half a dozen religions. I love learning about different faiths because each religion has truth. There are also good people of other religions despite what my mom and my grandpa taught me.

In January, I read a bit about them on the internet and even went to their meetinghouse in Sugarhouse. I met with some great people and asked them a few questions. The things I was reading on the internet is what they were telling me.

In short, I was hoping to hear something more like a testimony or a firm conviction of faith.

Meh. Maybe I need to talk to a Scientologist minister.

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 4:46 PM


Blogger FPrince said...

Funny enough, we discussed Scientology at the Family Dinner last night. Some interesting parallels, if you're willing to look for them.
Ditto on the good people in every faith bit.

Mon Feb 27, 01:15:00 PM  

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