Thursday, April 13, 2006

If someone over the age of 65 wants to drive a motor vehicle they need to go to a basic driver training course where they will be brainwashed.

A la Jedi.

You cannot drive. You have an inability to look both ways before entering an intersection. You cannot drive.

You cannot drive. You insist on driving a car that was recalled in 1972. You cannot drive

You cannot drive. You are too freakin' old to be safe on the road. You cannot drive.

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 11:36 PM


Blogger Awright13 said...

If you are losing your mind as you get older you would think a good ol' fashion brain washing would do you some good. You'd get it cleaned, startched, and probably smelling April fresh. With such motivation you'd think all old people would be standing around the block, canes, walkers, and respirators in que waiting to have their brains washed.

Fri Apr 14, 12:16:00 AM  
Blogger T.R. said...

when will we stop skirting around the only solution to this problem? I am speaking, of course, about trained chimpanzee chauffers.

Fri Apr 14, 08:21:00 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

65? I dunno. I've met some pretty sharp 65 year olds. Sounds kinda ageist to me.

Fri Apr 14, 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger Spencer said...

There's a guy in my ward that is >65 and I swear he drives better than I do.

(of course, that's not particularly hard...)

Sat Apr 15, 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Fine guys.

Incompetent drivers over the age of 65.

TR, would the chimpanzees wear the hat?

Sun Apr 16, 11:31:00 PM  
Blogger FPrince said...

I work with a 90 year old lady who is sharp as a tack mentally, and gets around pretty well for her age, physically as well. I value her and her impressive longevity.
But thankfully she hasn't driven for many years.

Mon Apr 17, 10:21:00 PM  

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