Friday, June 08, 2007
Ok, we'll try this one
I discovered this band (The Weepies) on my ITunes radio, some random alternative station. Great song. Quite a video. If you just listen to the song, it kinds of has a Jim-and-Pam hopelessnesspainnaggingsensethatmaybeeverythingwillbebettersomedaybuttoolate feel to it. I really like it.
And because we have to explore fake TV feelings with real technology and AV magic, here are some more for you to enjoy.
The Scrubbiest of them All
and don't forget the most whimsy/tragedy laden tale of our generation
Look at this way: by the time you're done, you'll really love this song. Maybe you'll give an extra squeeze to the special claymation-thing in your life.
And because we have to explore fake TV feelings with real technology and AV magic, here are some more for you to enjoy.
The Scrubbiest of them All
and don't forget the most whimsy/tragedy laden tale of our generation
Look at this way: by the time you're done, you'll really love this song. Maybe you'll give an extra squeeze to the special claymation-thing in your life.
It kinda reminds me of those the-year-in-review movies they would do at the end of the school year.
I hate those. I was never in them... Sounds quite a bit like Simon and Garfunkel. Wow. I should quite my job and spend more time making video clip montages on YouTube. I think then my soul would be complete.
Good plan, little man. I was never in those montages either.
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