Monday, December 11, 2006

What are you getting your favorite missionary?

From Elder Bagley's latest letter:

Also most appreciated would be a note to the Blogger crowd, telling them that Elder Bagley's mailbox is far too empty. SLACKERS!! It's probably best that you all write to the Ferguson addr -- you never know where I'm going to be from one week to the next, and they get to me just about as fast that way.

Also of note, he mentions how miserable the cold and wet winters can be:

See, here it's humid, and that just makes the cold colder. I got a really sweet winter coat from a departing missionary for free-ninety-nine so I'm at least mildly insulated from the cold, but the toes do get a little chilly on occasion. And see, funny thing about toes -- no matter how warm the rest of your body is, if your toes are cold, you're pretty much miserable. Guess who is asking for warm socks for Christmas?

So there you go. You couldn't ask for anything easier. :)

posted by Yakko Warner at 9:26 PM


Blogger FPrince said...

World peace and socks? Or world peace in the form of socks? That is the question.

Tue Dec 12, 03:16:00 PM  
Blogger Laverna said...

Or maybe he wants socks with peace signs on them.

Fri Dec 15, 08:12:00 PM  

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