Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm back from my walk.
Today I met some great people and creatures.
Morgan the dog and a chocolate lab.
As I was walking through Liberty Park I saw lots of happy people enjoying the beautiful day. I saw a really cute couple that had little arm dogs. Not two nanoseconds after he placed one of the arm dogs on the ground to walk the arm dog laid down. I laughed and lifted up my headphones and said, "Nope. I don't walk anywhere. Are you kidding? I'm too used to be carried. I'm going to lay right here." The owner got a kick out of it.
I was walking down Linclon Street. Just passed 900 South I saw a very beautiful flower garden and a lady, not much older than myself, keeping it. I stoped and told her how beautiful her garden was. We chatted for a bit.
Good day for a walk.
Today I met some great people and creatures.
Morgan the dog and a chocolate lab.
As I was walking through Liberty Park I saw lots of happy people enjoying the beautiful day. I saw a really cute couple that had little arm dogs. Not two nanoseconds after he placed one of the arm dogs on the ground to walk the arm dog laid down. I laughed and lifted up my headphones and said, "Nope. I don't walk anywhere. Are you kidding? I'm too used to be carried. I'm going to lay right here." The owner got a kick out of it.
I was walking down Linclon Street. Just passed 900 South I saw a very beautiful flower garden and a lady, not much older than myself, keeping it. I stoped and told her how beautiful her garden was. We chatted for a bit.
Good day for a walk.
It was a nice day for a walk. I myself spent $150 on my hair then went to Liberty park and hung out w/ my roommate and her family at the Aviary thingy. It was gorgeous and the birds were amazing. I then went home and I had a headache. I laid down and that didn't fix it so I put on my running stuff and ran for about 45 minutes. On my run I got whistled at by several construction I'm avoiding homework....(I've been doing it on and off all day)
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