Tuesday, January 31, 2006

More Showers

I had three today!

posted by T.R. at 5:38 PM

I actually think I need advice.

Imagine that, me, needing advice. That's funny.

If you recall I applied with a company called Cosmo Store Services. They called me before Christmas to let me know they were interested in my resume and the interview process would be starting in Salt Lake soon. Almost six weeks after initial contact they called me this afternoon and left a voicemail. Ms. Janna said, "It has been a while since we've been in contact. I'm calling to tell you the interview process is set up for next week in Salt Lake City." I was stunned.

I got this job at Wal*Mart with some severe hook-ups. It was practically an inside job. We have a great closing crew. I'd hate to leave them hanging.

Let's look at it from another perspective. $8.95 per hour with Wal*Mart=$14,000 per year after taxes. Cosmo Store Services guarantees a starting wage of $25,000 per year.

So the dilema. Do I go ahead with the interview process see what comes of it? If I do go for the interviews do I tell Wal*Mart about it or do I just keep my mouth shut? But then what if I get hired? Do I tell Cosmo Store Services I already have a job?

What would be the best plan of action? If it's not listed above please feel free to comment. I'm very open to opinions because I really don't know what to do.

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 1:53 AM

Monday, January 30, 2006

They're Slowly Sucking Us Dry!

The ironic thing about our choice to be "educated" is that we do it on the assumption that our investments will make us marketable and our work more lucrative. But they suck so much cash out of us, that we don't have, while we're being "educated" that I'm going to be 55 before I cut a profit.

Case in point: stupid "classroom participation" remotes. I have to use two different ones and I get to pay $22 bucks to register one of them online. What ever happened to pen and paper and raising hands? Arrrrhhh! Frustrated. I'm a little frustrated. It just feels like we get ripped off at every mandatory-charge turn. Books, workbooks, lab books, lab fees, lab supplies, remotes, CD-Roms, not to mention tuition with matriculation fees, activity fees, computer fees, etc, etc, etc. I understand that everything costs and that someone has to pay for it. It just feels like a lot of people are making a huge profit off we, the strapped students, with no other choice than to pay. (Or not attend the school, I know, I know...)

Patience. It's the year of the Fire Dog, and by gum, this year we're gonna win that blue ribbon!

posted by FPrince at 11:18 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I heart Animal House references

I gave my love a cherry that had no stone.
A pledge pin, on your uniform.
You're pledge name is Pinto. Pinto, why Pinto? Why not?

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 1:26 AM

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Slacker Report

Spencer: Not a slacker.
Jeremy: Not a slacker.
Allison: SLACKER (but she works saturdays, so we'll let her off this time.)
Michelle: SLACKER

So, Michelle, Blake, T.R., any good reasons for being SLACKERS and not coming to the awesome choir social?

posted by Spencer at 11:07 PM

Showers: Thank you, sir. May I have another?

There just aren't enough showers in a day :(

posted by T.R. at 1:03 AM

Friday, January 27, 2006

I $(Love)$ Superfluous Sea-Life Mascots

for our stupid board. I thought our mascot was poo, or the unbelievable immaterial variety of it. Then I got the hint that lobsters are the snappy things of the hour. And then I thought again. Instead of a blob that is sick or a creature that can make one sick when not cooked, why not choose one that can spell "sick" and other words?

How 'bout it?
Also these dolphins are smiling because IT'S FRIDAY! Whoo whoo!

posted by FPrince at 9:34 AM

I **LOVE** superflous posting!

posted by T.R. at 8:26 AM

I **LOVE** getting shots!

posted by T.R. at 7:31 AM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Not coming to the temple tonight

I got four shots today at my pre-mission checkup. Hepatitis A and B, tetanus booster plus whooping cough, and meningitis.

I feel like I've been run over by a large truck.

Also, the TB skin test almost made me pass out. That's not a fun feeling right there. It wasn't the needle, either, because she pulled the needle out, and I was all, "... Well, that wasn't so baaaAAAAawwwhhhooOAAAA."

I'm pretty sure the truck had bricks in it. Lots of bricks.

So anyway, that's why I'm not at Carrie's house eating pizza right now. Sorry everyone. Make sure someone eats mine.


posted by Spencer at 5:49 PM

to whom it may concern

but only to whom:

The question has been asked, "who is jo?"

This is a question I feel I ought to address because I am jo.

That fact is, I am jo. I've always been jo. I had to change from jo to another name so that people wouldn't get confused, but I am still jo. jo was the name I was given at birth and my sister wisely improved it to jo... with a line over the 'o'... just in case someone got confused.

some people call me joe, but that would be incorrect.

So to answer your question, I am jo. That is who jo is.

posted by jo at 11:29 AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


posted by T.R. at 10:43 PM

Now with bigger lobsters!

posted by T.R. at 10:33 PM


Isn't that better?

New and Improved I can't believe it's not poo -- now with 100% less lobsters!


posted by Spencer at 10:31 PM


Lobester wallpaper=poo

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 7:17 PM

Word Verification

How long until we need it?

posted by T.R. at 5:53 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I can't believe it's not...


posted by Melanie at 10:58 PM

I'd like to extend a hand of fellowship...

All those who can welcome Jo to Blogger please manifest it...

Any opposed?

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 9:53 PM

Three things...

1) Now I really want some Freedom Toast. But I can't because T.R. still has my Harvard pen.

2) If you happen to stumble across pieces of my brain as you're walking around campus, please alert me as to its location, so that I may begin to piece it together again after Monday's "incident". "incident" being the whole day.

Blake had a great idea for some breakage of the Spring, but I'm going to steal credit for it. Crap, forget you just read that. So I have an idea for some breakage of the Spring. We could travel to Tahoe and do up some canoeing and camping and stufferoonie. It's close to Reno as well, if we wanted to go buffeting or buffering or the like. And then we could make sandwiches shaped like people to eat on Donner's Pass. It's an idea. And it all came from my scattered brain...yep...what would I do without Blaker...I mean, without...my creativity. Three things over.

posted by jeremy at 9:41 PM

that is...

why do I have a bad feeling about this?

posted by jo at 2:23 PM

French Toast Today!!!!!!!

posted by T.R. at 8:01 AM

Sunday, January 22, 2006


I still honestly can't believe its not poo.

posted by T.R. at 2:56 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Tomorrow (EDIT: Since it's 1:20, I suppose it's actually "today"), there is basketball, at 7:00 in the PM. I think it would be fun to go, even though the Utes are probably going to lose. Anyone else interested? Wendy's afterward?

posted by Spencer at 1:18 AM

Friday, January 20, 2006

About the Beverage Thingie

I for one am over this whole beverage thing. If TR wants to plan another, then he shall. He then will let us all know 22 hours before said event.

Who has the ketchup packet?

Nibb High football rules!

posted by Creativity Escapes Me at 10:54 PM

Three things...

1) I believe the confusion came from schedualing your Beverage Jam so close to SoupFest, which was an awsome evening of liquid consumables as well, sans acoustic music. Probably my fault, I think I got the 'Fest' added on.

2) T.R. has my "We don't need to look lavish, we're Harvard!" pen. Which I believe was also taken in a ham and bean haze.

3) A random co-contributor blog. Hmmm.... it's like Hell's text messaging system. Without the searing pain...thus far...

posted by jeremy at 5:40 PM

You guys just don't get it.

First off, its Beverage Jam, not some made up poo called "beverage fest". Secondly, Beverage Jam cannot be rescheduled. And that's not just because it already happened, but rather because it is Beverage Jam. I cannot stress this enough. Please remember, we are talking about Beverage Jam.

posted by T.R. at 12:30 AM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Michelle has my watch.

Hopefully she will give it back tomorrow.

Also, I still think we should have the beverage fest on Friday.

posted by Spencer at 11:11 PM

I have Spencer's watch

In a moment of ham-and-bean-soup passion, he agreed to let me use it for use in a nursing home. Bwahaha! The fool!
I'll give it to you tomorrow.

I can't believe it's not...oh, yes, yes it is pooh. It's my currency of labor at the home. :)

posted by FPrince at 11:01 PM

Oh, you guys...

Seriously, you can post, not just comment. Try it, its easy.

I can edit too. *satisfied sigh*

posted by T.R. at 12:46 PM

Oh, Poo!

I accidently made michelle the only admin, when I meant to make everyone admins. Now only michelle can fix this.

posted by T.R. at 10:46 AM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I can't believe its not...


posted by T.R. at 6:36 PM